San Joaquin Proficiency Winners
These Firebaugh FFA members have won the San Joaquin Regional Proficiency with their SAE projects. Beating out seven other sectional winners, these students are the top six in California and have competed to be the California State Proficiency Winner. SInce 1994 Firebaugh FFA has had 14 members win this regional competition in 14 categories.
Year and Name
2020 Amanda Cuen 2020 Efrain Hernandez 2020 Danny Pacini 2020 Jackson Correia 2020 Olivia Estrada 2020 Heidi Guzman 2019 Amanda Cuen 2019 Mark Lowry 2019 Joanna Espinoza 2019 Wendy Cortes 2019 Olivia Estrada 2019 Ryan Gonzalez 2019 Heidi Guzman 2019 Aiden Rodriguez 2018 Mark Lowry 2018 Mayte Magallon 2014 Christopher Lopez 2014 Marcos Rojas 2014 Jason Allen 2014 Holland Snyder 2014 Loren Mumby 2014 Joshua Allen 2013 Stephanie Barrera 2013 Jason Allen 2013 Joshua Allen 2012 Jason Allen 2012 Skottlynn Snyder 2011 Jordan Madrid 2009 Skottlynn Snyder 2008 Garrett Blanchard 2007 Martha Marin 2007 Cheryl Hogue 2007 Garrett Blanchard 1999 Jason Diedrich 1998 Bobby Hogue 1998 Leticia Campa 1997 Jane Diedrich 1995 Jesus Fuentes 1994 Sal Fuentes |
Proficiency Area
Service Learning Fiber and Oil Crop Production Enviro Science & Res. Management Diversified Crops Placement Ag science Animal Systems Ag Education Home and/or Community Development Environmental Science & Natural Resources Management Ag science Plant Systems Agriscience Integrated Ag science Animal Systems Agricultural Services Ag Education Ag Communications Environmental Science & Natural Resources Management Ag Education Diversified Horticulture Wildlife Production Fiber & Oil Crop Sheep Production Agriculture Services Placement Diversified Crop Production Poultry Production Grain Production Placement Grain Production Entre. Grain Production Entre. Sheep Production Wildlife Production and Management Sheep Production Beef Production Poultry Production Swine Production Beef Production Diversified Animal Production Oil Crop Production Placement Vegetable Production Placement Equine Science Forage Crop Cereal Grain Production |
Winner Winner Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Finalist Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Finalist Winner Finalist Finalist Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner |
Agricultural Proficiency Awards

The Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor FFA members who, through their SAEs, have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. Students can compete for awards in 49 areas covering everything from Agricultural Communications to Wildlife Management. Each award area has two categories, placement and entrepreneurship.
Placement proficiency awards are given to those whose SAEs are related to employment, apprenticeships, or internships at an agribusiness or agriculture-related organization. Entrepreneurship proficiency awards are given to those whose SAEs are related to ownership of an agribusiness or agriculture-related organization.
Placement proficiency awards are given to those whose SAEs are related to employment, apprenticeships, or internships at an agribusiness or agriculture-related organization. Entrepreneurship proficiency awards are given to those whose SAEs are related to ownership of an agribusiness or agriculture-related organization.