Nominations for Aggie of the Month and Member of the Week
Firebaugh FFA Goals
Agricultural Advisory
Firebaugh FFA Boosters
A Night In Vegas
Friends of the Firebaugh FFA Boosters
Founders Award
Firebaugh FFA Agricultural Pathways
Firebaugh FFA constitution
Member Resources
FFA Dress Code
Degrees in FFA
Career Development Events
Sectional Competitions
Supervised Agricultural Experience
Livestock Project Contract
Animal Purchasing Contract
Boosters Grant Forum
Member Achievement
American Degree Recipients
State Degree Recipients
Member Awards
Proficiency Awards
Sectional Proficiency
Regional Proficiency
State Proficiency
National Proficiency
Star Awards
CDE & LDE Awards
Mrs. Correia
Ms. Martinez
Mr. Lieb
Mr. Ortiz
Ms. Smith
Past Advisors
Chapter Officers
Vice President
Vice President
Officer Applications
Firebaugh FFA Honorary Members
Past Program of Activities
Gift of Blue Recipients
Leadership History
Blue+Gold Award
Chapter Awards History
Non Member Awards
Past Chapter Presidents
Past Articles
National FFA
California FFA
Eagle Morning News Live Stream
Senior Completers
2021 Senior Completer's
2020 Senior Completers
As an exhibitor, the following guidelines are expected of you during the entire duration of this activity. Exhibitors and parents need to understand the importance and realize the responsibility of caring for their animals, and maintaining a level of behavior that is a credit to our FFA chapter. We have developed a set of guidelines for the students and parents to follow while involved with this activity. Read these guidelines & sign at the bottom.
In order to show as a member of the Firebaugh FFA Chapter you must meet the following requirements:
In order to exhibit an animal as a member of the Firebaugh FFA Chapter, you must be eligible. You may not be on the ineligibility list now or before the fair. If you become ineligible, you may not show as a member of Firebaugh FFA. The sale and care of your animal will be your responsibility.
Enrollment/FFA Membership and Involvement
Be enrolled in an Agriculture Class at Firebaugh High School for the previous two semesters.
You may exhibit an animal from the year entering 9
grade up
until the summer immediately following your graduation.
Small animals must have prior approval from small animal advisors. (Small animals include turkeys, chickens, rabbits and cavies
Attend the MANDATORY parent & exhibitor meeting set for May, 5 2021.
Attend 5 Chapter FFA Meetings throughout the current school year of the fair. The only exception being 8th graders
Attend specified group meetings and/or project visits. This may be species specific, showmanship practice, fair work, record book updates, etc.
Students and parents understand that if these guidelines are not followed that the FFA Advisor may choose to not allow livestock to be entered in the fair.
FFA members have the opportunity to raise animal projects to exhibit at Madera County Fair. These projects require a student to take on a great deal of responsibility. In order for all students to learn and work together, the following requirements are expected of each exhibitor regardless of where the animal is housed or species raised.
Participating in the fair is a school activity. ALL school and fair rules and policies apply.
Failure to follow the rules will prevent you from participating in all further fair events (showing & selling of your project).
***In the event that a student is not able to exhibit their animal(s) at the fair, the animal will remain the responsibility of the student (feeding, care of, maintenance, accommodations, etc) as well as financially until the termination of the project.***
Pre-Project Duties: (paperwork and $$)
Read and review the guidelines. Have them signed and turned in by May 12 2021.
Money: If you are keeping your animal at the school farm, all fees are due by June 1, 2021.
In the case of an animal death the student and parents are responsible for receiving the proper insurance paperwork from their FFA Advisor and completing it and returning it to the insurance company
In the case of an animal death, the students are responsible for the financial loss. Funds will not be reimbursed.
A SEPARATE CHECK for $100 large animals and $30 for small animals. It must be a check! It will not be deposited.
After the completion of the project if all of the events are attended the deposit will be reimbursed.
You will receive the deposit back at the completion of the fair if you attend
Work Days – Showmanship practice, fair prep, and record book days
Weekly practice per advisor large animals need 10 practices attended, small animals need 4 practices attended.
The fair set up (haul in, pen setup and maintenance) & the fair clean up (Sunday after awards)
Project Requirements:
Attend all exhibitor meetings/practices – weighing, feeding, showmanship, etc.
Students are responsible for feeding and caring for their project animals at all times.
Students are responsible for all expenses that may arise during the course of this project.
Students are to keep accurate records of their project.
Animals are to be treated humanely and projects conducted ethically.
Students and parents are responsible for notifying the FFA Advisor when questions or problems arise with your project.
Pre-Fair Duties:
Preparation of animals
: It is your responsibility to properly care for your animal from the start of the project to the completion. You must own your animal for a minimum of 60 days before the fair (for steers it is 120 days, small animals 30). You should have a receipt as proof from your breeder or seller of the animal. Before transporting your animal to the fair, be sure that your animal is shorn, clipped, etc. PRIOR to haul in date. If an animal is sick, is prolapsing, has fungus, or any other problem that will not enable a student to show (as set by the fair) then it is the student’s responsibility to care for and take responsibility of animal(s).
Students and parents are aware that animals must be of an adequate weight, pass a health inspection and be deemed “market ready” by the judge in order to sell at the Junior Livestock Auction.
: Have all specified (as stated by advisor) tack and show supplies, soap, halters, show sticks, towels, feeders, water buckets, etc. ready prior to getting your animal and it is your responsibility to get it to the fair. If animal is housed at school these will be provided for you.
Feed and Bedding
: You are responsible for the feed for your animal. If you are keeping your animal at the farm, you will pay a feed and supplies fee, and feed and materials will be made available to you. Order any needed grain and/or hay needed for the fair. Bedding is the responsibility of the student. All large animal species will need shavings/straw as deemed by advisor.
: You must attend all exhibitor meetings called by the advisor. These will occur prior to the start of the fair and during the fair.
YQCA Certification:
All students exhibiting any animal must complete the Youth for Quality Care of Animals certification as required by the state of California effective January 1, 2019. If a student does not complete the certification by the fair deadline they will not be able to exhibit their animals at fair. Advisors are all certified and will hold certification sessions, or students can complete individually online.
Project visits
: Animal projects must be visited by advisors on a weekly basis. You must be present.
There will be a meeting to complete fair entries.
It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that their entries are completed and turned in by the deadline. Failure to do so will result in the animal not going to the fair.
: It is
the responsibility of the advisors to find a buyer for your animal. It is your responsibility to secure a buyer. If you do not find a buyer you are at risk of losing money. Be willing and ready to discuss your project with some members of the agricultural community. Market yourself and your animal.
: Have a complete FFA show uniform (FFA jacket, FFA tie/scarf, white pants, white collared shirt, black or brown shoes and a black or brown belt).
*The uniform will be worn on show & showmanship days and at the auction (for the duration of your species sale, example for the entire lamb, goat, or hog sale)
: Transportation of animals is the responsibility of the students. If the animals are at the school, transportation of animals to the fair is provided. Please be sure to make arrangements prior to the haul in date and tell the advisors your plans to ensure that all animals get to the fair.
Fair Prep Exhibit, Record Book and Farm Ag Work Days
: All exhibitors must be in attendance for 4 hours as set by species advisor for the specified days (large animals 3 out 5, small animals-at advisors discretion) Dates are set by each advisor
During Fair
*Wear appropriate clothing during loading, exhibiting and loading out at the fair (long pants, short sleeve or long sleeve shirt, socks and closed toe, closed back shoes). School dress code must be followed.
FFA Jacket
– You need to have or purchase your own FFA Jacket and Scarf/Tie. See an advisor for help ordering
If an animal needs to be removed from the fair for any reason the student must make arrangements for transportation, housing and feeding of the animal. In addition, the student must be willing to find an outside buyer for the animal.
Students and parents must maintain a high level of professionalism when involved with this project. Including, but not limited to:
Good sportsmanship
Assisting with all fair activities (Including, but not limited to all Workdays, Show-days, Auction, and Clean-Up)
Supporting fellow FFA members and helping all FFA and 4H members at the fair
Attend all exhibitor meetings/practices during fair
Feeding and Barn Duty
You must be present at required feeding times and scheduled barn duty times. During barn duty you are to complete all required responsibilities. You will sign up for your barn duty after the set up and settle in of animals and display at the fair. Keep personal areas as well as the chapter area clean and swept at all times.
: Showmanship is an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of your project. You will be required to participate in showmanship.
You are a representative of the FFA, your school, community and the agriculture industry. Be sure to be a positive representative. Be courteous and respectful to fair patrons, fellow exhibitors and guests at the fair.
Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated;
swearing, tobacco or inappropriate dress. All school rules apply at the fair.
Chapter Group
Chapter group is an opportunity to exhibit animals in each species. The animals that will be selected to be exhibited in the chapter group category will be determined by the advisor. The selection will be based on uniformity and quality of the animals.
ALL students must be present to aid in showing the group and to provide support.
Auction Day
: Be at the fairgrounds by the time set by your advisor, in uniform and ready to meet some potential buyers.
No Animal Accessories
: No glitter, paint, flowers, etc. on your animal. If you are a champion you will have a blanket given to you.
Thank You Letters
: You will turn them into your project advisor. In order to receive your check, you must complete and turn in thank you letters.
Farm Clean Up Day
: Every exhibitor is to completely clean out their pen at school farm by
Sunday September 12th, 2021
, from the time we return until DONE
. Failure to clean out pen and rinse mats will result in the exhibitor NOT being allowed to keep an animal on campus next year AND your deposit will not be refunded. DO NOT LEAVE SHAVINGS, HOLES OR FECES ON THE GROUND.
FFA Record Books
: You need to have your AET record book completed and up to date by September 12th. It is easier to work on it throughout than make it up at the end.
School Farm Information:
Students will attend a mandatory farm work days to prepare the pens for the animal’s arrival.
Students will maintain their assigned pen. There may be the animal of more than one exhibitor in each pen. You will need to work together.
Students will be responsible for cleaning and removing manure from the pen daily.
Students will be sure that their project is checked at least one time per day.
Students will attend a post fair work day to clean and maintain the facility.
Students and parents understand that not following any of the above guidelines is grounds for their livestock to be removed from the farm, not having the opportunity to keep animals at the farm in future years and forfeiture of any income from the sale of their animal.
Feed and Supplies Feed
: Each student will be responsible for paying a project and supplies fee (as specified by species). The fee will pay for the animal, shavings, medications (dewormer, LA200, antibiotics, topicals, etc), show products (clipper maintenance, oil, shampoos, sprays, etc). In the event that that a student would like specialty supplements, special products, it is up to them to purchase them separately. The products must be cleared by the advisors before use.
1. All projects kept at the school farm will be purchased from the agriculture department. The advisors will be responsible for collecting/purchasing animal. Students will select animals from the group.
2. Once an animal is on the farm it is not to leave. Disease transmission is a huge concern and problem. If you take your animal off of school property, feed and supply funds will not be refunded.
3. Animal projects must be fed and managed according to the approved practices of the agriculture advisor.
Goats twice a day hours 5-8am and 5-8pm.
Lambs twice a day hours 5-8am and 5-8pm.
Hogs twice a day hours 5-8am and 5-8pm.
Beef twice a day hours 5-8am and 5-8pm.
No feeding when it is dark. DAYLIGHT ONLY.
4. Projects must be of reasonably good quality and considered to be educationally beneficial, or they will not be approved.
5. Each student will have access to the storage shed. Each student is fully responsible for reporting any interior or exterior damage or missing items. The department is not responsible for loss or theft of contents. Each student is responsible for his/her own equipment.
6. Species specific equipment is to be used on the animals. This includes FEED, FEEDERS, SHOW SUPPLIES, SCOOPS, STANDS, etc. Contact the appropriate advisors if you need to use other equipment.
7. Sick, diseased, or unhealthy animals will not be allowed on the school farm.
8. If an animal is sick and needs treatment, it is the financial responsibility of the student. If a veterinarian needs to be called out, then the owner (you) must pay the bill. Special medications and tools are also the responsibility of the owner.
9. Any disciplinary problem concerning the student and his/her project, the school or the school farm will be grounds for removal of the project privileges. Seven days’ notice will be given before forced removal.
10. The student must uphold all responsibilities connected with the privilege of keeping projects at the school farm.
Proper feeding and watering of the animals.
Proper cleanliness of project area and project animals.
Making arrangements for care of project before absence.
Maintenance of school equipment and structures connected with the project area.
Maintaining health and sanitation standards and medicating livestock when necessary.
Doing student’s fair share of work on the farm, this is expected of all project holders.
Strike Policy
: The strike policy will be strictly adhered to with projects at the school farm. Once a student receives three strikes, the student will have 3 days to remove the animal(s) from the property. A written strike will be written when this contract is broken. A parent will be contacted, and the policy will be signed.
Strikes can be received for:
Neglect of animal
– There is low or no water, animals are not fed, pens are not clean.
Feeding should be consistent, same time every day, before eight after five (EVEN ON WEEKENDS).
Neglect of project
– You must check on your animal at LEAST 5 days a week, if you do
not go out to the farm at least five times a week, and then you will receive a strike. If there is medical need, you must care for your animal.
Neglect of equipment/property
– You must keep the pens clean, area trash free, water
trough clean, equipment organized.
Not following directions
– Feeding, care, working of animal. Weighing of animals will be
done once a week.
You must attend the weekly market animal meetings
Not reporting problems
– If something does not look or seem right, please notify
someone (student or me)
Breaking any other rules/expectations
stated on this contract as well as the school rules,
or expectations set by the advisors.
Failure to pay fees/bills –
You will have one week to pay fees/bills are presented by the
agriculture instructor. Receipts will be available for you to see if asked.
The speed limit for all vehicles of any type is 5 mph, following this is a school safety protocol.
Proper records must be kept on all projects kept on the school farm.
All rules of the school and the agriculture department will be strictly adhered to and obeyed.
Only FFA members in good standing and actively enrolled in the Firebaugh High School Agriculture Program will be allowed to keep their projects on the school farm.
In the event that an animal dies, in conjunction with the agriculture department, we will determine what to do with the animal. The financial loss will be the responsibility of the student. You will be required to insure your animals if they are at the school farm.
In the event of personal injury, please call 911. The school and agriculture will be released of any liability. Act wisely, be careful. You will be responsible for your own actions.
Upon completion of the project, the student is required to work on the school farm/barn to ensure proper sanitation and repair of project-related facilities, and check out with the agriculture advisor.
Questions or concerns?
Sheep/Goats/Dairy: Ms. Goeb, Rm 302,
[email protected]
Swine: Mr. Ortiz, Rm 702,
Rabbits/Cavy/Steer: Ms. Smith, Rm 805
[email protected]
Poultry: Mr. Lieb, Rm 701,
[email protected]
Indicates required field
Payment method for total amount or payments to be completed before animal arrives
Please select your grade level
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
If you are applying for the SAE grant and do not receive it, how will you pay for your animal?
If you are applying for the Booster's Loan and do not receive it, how will you pay for your animal?
If you are applying for the Farmers and Merchant Bank Loan and do not receive it, how will you pay for your animal?
Phone Number
Parent's Phone Number
Nominations for Aggie of the Month and Member of the Week
Firebaugh FFA Goals
Agricultural Advisory
Firebaugh FFA Boosters
A Night In Vegas
Friends of the Firebaugh FFA Boosters
Founders Award
Firebaugh FFA Agricultural Pathways
Firebaugh FFA constitution
Member Resources
FFA Dress Code
Degrees in FFA
Career Development Events
Sectional Competitions
Supervised Agricultural Experience
Livestock Project Contract
Animal Purchasing Contract
Boosters Grant Forum
Member Achievement
American Degree Recipients
State Degree Recipients
Member Awards
Proficiency Awards
Sectional Proficiency
Regional Proficiency
State Proficiency
National Proficiency
Star Awards
CDE & LDE Awards
Mrs. Correia
Ms. Martinez
Mr. Lieb
Mr. Ortiz
Ms. Smith
Past Advisors
Chapter Officers
Vice President
Vice President
Officer Applications
Firebaugh FFA Honorary Members
Past Program of Activities
Gift of Blue Recipients
Leadership History
Blue+Gold Award
Chapter Awards History
Non Member Awards
Past Chapter Presidents
Past Articles
National FFA
California FFA
Eagle Morning News Live Stream
Senior Completers
2021 Senior Completer's
2020 Senior Completers